Monday, April 6, 2009

E/M vs. Eye codes -- Part 3 choosing which to use

New Patients.
If your level is 4 or higher, you should probably be using E/M codes. If your level is 3 or lower, you should be using Eye Codes unless you fail to initiate a diagnostic and treatment program at the comprehensive eye code level. Then you will have to drop to 99203.

Consultations. If your adjective is moderate, level 4 or higher, the E/M consultation code should be used. If not, switch to the eye codes.

Return Office Visits:

92012 versus 99213. For return office visits for conditions requiring more frequent visits the choice is often between CPT codes 99213 and 92012. An error was made in the relative value units calculation in 1998, and the erroneous calculation has been pretty much maintained. This has resulted in significantly higher reimbursement for code in 2009 — $9.38 in 2009 on a national average. Given the choice, the eye code pays better than the E/M code and can be used in most instances.

92014 vs. 99214. Code 92014 basically should be used when coding for comprehensive eye examinations and not for follow-up visits for serious disease.

Use 92014 for your follow-ups in which medical necessity dictates a comprehensive examination — such as a return in one year for cataract follow-up. The code is not intended to be used for frequent follow-up visits for serious pathological conditions.

Use 99214 when following serious diseases as long as your medical decision-making is moderate and you have the medical necessity to perform nine of the elements. This code has been a target of OIG investigations and you should be confident of your coding skills and chart documentation when using it.

99212. Most Medicare local coverage determinations for the eye codes mandate that for minimal services code 99212 be used — not 99213 or 92012. Quick check ups for conjunctivitis or healing corneal abrasions would fall into this category.

E/M vs. Eye codes -- Part 2 Eye codes

New Patient

92002 Ophthalmological services: medical examination and evaluation with initiation of diagnostic and treatment program; intermediate, new patient

92004 Ophthalmological services: medical examination and evaluation with initiation of diagnostic and treatment program; comprehensive, new patient, one or more visits

Established Patient

92012 Ophthalmological services: medical examination and evaluation, with initiation or continuation of diagnostic and treatment program; intermediate, established patient

92014 Ophthalmological services: medical examination and evaluation, with initiation or continuation of diagnostic and treatment program; comprehensive, established patient, one or more visits

"Intermediate ophthalmological services describes an evaluation of a new or existing condition complicated with a new diagnostic or management problem not necessarily relating to the primary diagnosis, including history, general medical observation, external ocular and adnexal examination and other diagnostic procedures as indicated; may include the use of mydriasis for ophthalmoscopy."

The narrative descriptions for the comprehensive eye codes contain the following excerpted information:

"Comprehensive ophthalmological services describes a general evaluation of the complete visual system. The comprehensive services constitute a single service entity but need not be performed at one session. The service includes history, general medical observation, external and ophthalmoscopic examination, gross visual fields and basic sensorimotor examination. It often includes, as indicated: biomicroscopy, examination with cycloplegia or mydriasis and tonometry. It always includes initiation of diagnostic and treatment programs.

"Intermediate and comprehensive ophthalmological services constitute integrated services in which medical decision making cannot be separated from the examining techniques used. Itemization of service components, such as slit lamp examination, keratometry, routine ophthalmoscopy, retinoscopy, tonometry, or motor evaluation is not applicable.

"Initiation of diagnostic and treatment program includes the prescription of medication, and arranging for special ophthalmological diagnostic or treatment services, consultations, laboratory procedures and radiological services.

"Special ophthalmological services describes services in which a special evaluation of part of the visual system is made, which goes beyond the services included under general ophthalmological services, or in which special treatment is given. Special ophthalmological services may be reported in addition to the general ophthalmological services or evaluation and management services."

E/M vs. Eye codes -- Part 1 E/M


The First Key Component, the History, contains four component parts. They are:

► Chief Complaint

► History of the Present Illness (HPI): location, duration, timing, quality, context, severity, modifying factors, associated signs and symptoms.

► Review of Systems (ROS)

► Past History, Family History, and Social History (PFSH).

KEY COMPONENT 2: Examination

KEY COMPONENT 3: Medical Decision Making

A stable glaucoma would be low risk; a glaucoma that is not in control and requires change of medicine would be moderate risk. A patient presenting with acute glaucoma is considered high risk.

Lasik calucations

-ablation depth = 15 um per diapter
-lasik flap thickness = 160 um (Intralase 100)
-available tissue = pachy - flap - bed
-total treatment depth = flap + ablation
-residual tissue = available - ablation

Treatment of post-LASIK inflammatory keratitis

-cycloplegic if painful (homatropine 5%bid, scopolamine 0.25% tid)
-zymar/vigamox q1h
-if there is a risk of MRSA, alternate with Vancomycin q1h
-after improvement on antibiotic, add pred-forte 1%/FML qid (epi-intact)
-preservative-free AT q1h (on 1/2 hour)
-follow-up daily

OCT RNFL thickness average analysis

Imax/Smax 0.80-1.25 um
Smax/Imax 0.77-1.25
Smax/Tavg 1.70-3.06
Imax/Tavg 1.69-3.12
Smax/Navg 1.37-2.93

Min-Max 96-154
Smax 124-189
Imax 125-194
Savg 97-152
Iavg 98-156

Average thickness 82-118$file/stratusoct_en.pdf


-Latisse 0.03% is indicated to treat hypotrichosis of the eyelashes by increasing their growth including length, thickness, and darkness
-25% increase in eyelash growth length
-106% increase in fullness/thickness
-18% increase in darkness
-about 2 months to work
-adverse effects in 4% of patients: eye pruritis, conjunctiva hyperemia, skin hyperpigmentation, possible increased brown iris pigmentation (only seen in Lumigan)
-apply once nightly directly to the skin of the upper eyelid margin at the base of the eyelashes using the supplied, FDA-approved sterile applicators